Flight instruction is available to youth from 12 or 13 years old. Indeed, the Federal Aviation Administration allows solo flight in gliders by youth at age 14. Many have been, on their 14th birthdays, the youngest pilots in the USA, and perhaps even the world. Quite a distinction. The simple fact is that young people are receptive to learning, and learn quickly. Once soloed, never call them kids again, as they're now PILOTS!
Sailplanes and Youth are made for each other.
Youth initiatives in Colorado:
Black Forest Soaring Society. Junior Member (under age 23 and full-time student). Kelly Air Park, east of Castle Rock.
Colorado Soaring Association. Student memberships (open to matriculated full-time students, middle school through graduate programs). North of Wellington, CO.
Mile High Youth Gliding Association. Based with the commercial operator, Mile High Gliding at Boulder.
Soaring Society of America Youth Emphasis
Know a young person that would love to learn to fly! The SSA CADET Youth Flight Scholarship is just the ticket to get started!
Leadership and Flight Training with the Civil Air Patrol
Excel with a Kolstad Award College Scholarship
Latest update: 05/23/2008